Communications support for lifescience startups.

Lifescience startups drive innovation in healthcare and operate on the cutting edge where the most complex stories are found. McCargo Mission-Aligned Communications is an independent communications consultancy operated by Janine McCargo, a 20-year veteran who provides agile, experienced, and scalable communications support to the groundbreaking companies that are creating the future of healthcare.

Why “Mission-Aligned?”

Sometimes businesses are about more than business, and this is never truer than in healthcare. There is no industry that touches more people yet—because of scientific and regulatory complexities—is understood by so few. My life’s work has been dedicated to helping companies at the vanguard tell their stories. I work with companies to help them strategically communicate with the public and deliver results that serve their missions.



Public Relations

  • Strategic Counsel & Support

  • Message Development

  • Media Training

  • Corporate Reputation Mgt.

  • Internal Communications

  • Crisis Communications

  • Data Announcements

  • Tradeshow & Meeting Support

  • Media Relations


Content Creation

  • Whitepapers & Bylines

  • Pitch Decks

  • Press Releases

  • Website

  • Fact Sheets

  • Grant & Award Applications

  • Speeches & Presentation Scripts


Social Media

  • Online Engagement

  • Content Creation

  • Channel Management

  • Content Strategy & Syndication

  • Internal Policy Development & Education

  • Infographics