Communications can support your business by recruiting key people and audiences to your mission.


About Me

Healthcare founders and their teams have a lot to simultaneously navigate. They face a constantly evolving regulatory and business environment in addition to demands of their own development programs.

With all of these claims on their attention, startups need communications partners with the experience to design and execute a bespoke, best-in-class communications program—even building one from scratch, if need be—and provide support that aligns with their business goals at any stage.

For two decades, I have provided goal-oriented strategy and hands-on tactical execution for companies in biotech, pharmaceuticals, healthcare services, medical technology, and digital health who all had diverse communications needs. I have supported companies through private market fundraising rounds and IPOs, mergers and tech transfers, through clinical trials, major data publications, and every stage of the FDA submission process. I work closely with companies to identify their corporate goals and pinpoint the audiences, channels, and messages that will have the most impact on their business, and personally executed the outcomes-oriented tactics.

My experience communicating complex science within regulated environments helps the lifescience startups I partner with achieve results that impact their business, so that they can focus on improving the quality and length of peoples lives.

How I work


Clear Goals

Set clear parameters, inclusive of goals, deadlines, and anticipated output

Strategic Alignment

Secure agreement on work-back timeline (projects) or scope of work (programs)

High-Touch Service

Weekly updates (for projects, format and frequency TBD based on complexity and length)

"Not only is it important to ask questions and find the answers, as a scientist I felt obligated to communicate with the world what we were learning."

— Stephen Hawking, Brief Answers to the Big Questions


Isn’t it better to be in stealth mode until we’re more established?

The three most cited arguments in favor of stealth mode are that it protects intellectual property, allows companies to control their press, and eliminates distractions. While intellectual property is a serious concern, an experienced communications partner can help you navigate the latter two issues. A good communications consultant can and will tell you if your story is ready to be marketed to the media and will help you position it to encourage a positive reception. As for distractions, a good communications partner should target opportunities that complement your business goals rather than take you away from them. In fact, the right PR program can further your corporate strategy by generating investor interest, introducing you to potential partners, and attracting top talent.

We have a very talented team; couldn’t we do this ourselves?

Some startup executives have trouble describing their companies and products briefly to non-technical people in laymen’s terms, having spent so much time in development with their team. Even when the management team is excellent at communicating, their valuable time is better spent running the business. Often, that blog or whitepaper never gets written.

PR also requires a special understanding of how to package up key marketing and organizational announcements in a way that interests busy journalists and integrates with their workflows.

You’re an independent consultant. Shouldn’t I hire an agency with more bandwidth?

Higher prices and more hands do not necessarily correlate with better results. PR agencies are often unlikely to provide a small startup client with regular service from their senior staff. In many cases, your account will primarily be serviced by junior staff who are providing boilerplate services that are unlikely to reflect your company’s unique identity or easily pivot to changing circumstance—let alone anticipate needs. Also, if you’re coming out of stealth mode, you’re going to need an experienced PR professional capable of building a program from scratch.

If you just need help on a project, partnering with an agency is likely not an option. PR agencies’ business models often cannot accommodate project work, requiring a 6-12 month retainer before being willing to help with a grant, announcement, or other acute but short term need.

I may be independent, but I don’t always work alone. I have a strong network of service providers (web designers, graphic designers, medical illustrators, video production, photographers, etc.) who help me provide best-in-class service.